
Zoonotic diseases

Zoonotic diseases are diseases that are transferable from animals to humans. Personal protective equipment (PPE) plays an important role in protecting you from zoonotic diseases. You must as far as you are reasonably able, wear PPE, such as non-slip, waterproof footwear, clean overalls, disposable gloves, in accordance with the information, training, and instruction you have

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Congratulations on completing this module. Hopefully, you have enjoyed learning more about why it is important to use safe and effective techniques when working with livestock, and some of the basics principles around how to do so. This is an area of knowledge and skills that will continue to expand as you begin your work

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Moving groups of animals

You may be required to move groups of animals in order to prepare for AI. This task uses many of the general principles of livestock handling, as well as some specific considerations for lactating animals. Always remember that cattle are creatures of habit, so when someone new starts on the farm, they make take more

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What is Workplace Safety?

Workplace Safety All workplaces have the potential to harm the people that work there. Historically, workplaces had a large number of incidents, leading to injuries and death. Strict workplace safety laws were introduced some years ago in all states of Australia to address this. They seek to encourage increasingly safe workplaces and carry penalties for

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Farm Traffic

THERE ARE LARGE VEHICLES AROUND FARMS, SO WATCH OUT Traffic around the farm The hazards and the risks of runover Vehicles of all sizes including tankers, trucks, cars, utes, 4 wheel drives, quads, tractors and other heavy machinery are common around farms. With larger trucks and machinery, the operator may not be able to see

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Using agri-chemicals

Agricultural workplaces such as farms and herd improvement businesses may use a range of chemicals for functions like: Many chemicals have the potential to cause harm to human health and safety. Acute health effects include headaches, vomiting and skin injuries. Chronic health effects include asthma, dermatitis, nerve damage or cancer. Some chemicals are flammable, corrosive,

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Manual Handling

PREVENT Workplace Injury Controls for lifting and moving things and animals Workers on farms and in herd improvement businesses do a wide variety of manual tasks that involve lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, holding or restraining things or animals. AI and loading or unloading products and other activities are also repetitive tasks. All of these

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