All Courses
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Semen and Embryo Handling
This represents a set of standards for organisations and personnel involved in the handling of semen and embryos. This Code has been created for industry requirements and is crafted to define critical handling procedures for semen and embryos, encompassing the journey from production to final deployment. These learners will demonstrate professionalism and excellence in the realm of semen and embryo handling. In-Person Training is also required with an exam and assessment.

Entry Level Artificial Insemination
Access theory for the national standard entry level Artificial Insemination (AI) Course.
This was re-created by Dairy Australia together with industry partners and guided by an expert group of industry stakeholders.
Industry endorses this training for consistency and quality of education nationally.
The theory needs to be complimented with practical training which can be accessed by the partner network of Trainers listed at the end of the modules.
Therefore, after the theory review, pick a Trainer for practical work.
This training complements the NHIA AI manual which has a refreshed practical training element. This manual is often supplied when you do the practical training. Trainers who offer this course are listed here: